Explore Lisa’s course offerings of Mindful Self-Compassion, Reiki Training, Yoga, Meditation, Wellness and more below.

To discuss a scheduling a course email Lisa.

  • Mindful Self-Compassion Courses

    Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) is an empirically-supported 8-week course designed to cultivate the skill of self-compassion. Participants will explore the concept of self-compassion through meditation, instruction, and reflection/journaling. A 6-week Short Course version is also available. Find a course on the Events page or contact Lisa to schedule a course for your organization.

  • Reiki Training

    The practice of Reiki works with your body’s own healing power to release energy blockages and create a deep sense of ease. Learn to provide healing touch for yourself and others by becoming a Reiki practitioner.

    ~Level 1 allows you to treat yourself and your loved ones.

    ~Level 2 provides you the knowledge and skills to treat others in the community.

    Explore the Events page or contact Lisa to schedule a training.

  • Yoga

    The practice of yoga helps us to tune in to ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. No need to be flexible or have experience. I will support your journey starting where you are and guiding you to where your want to be.

    Look for upcoming virtual courses soon!

  • Meditation

    Meditation allows us to tune into ourselves, increase awareness of our internal and external experience, and create space within us for gentleness and grace. We take it breath by breath, moment by moment, practicing acceptance of what is and letting go of expectations. Try out a free recorded meditation on Insight Timer and join me for a class or workshop you can find on the Events page.