Making a difference

I missed you all last week, but enjoyed presenting about mindfulness and sharing yoga with social workers at the National School Social Workers conference. It was inspiring to connect with and learn from my social work colleagues from across the country and around the world working for social justice and advocating for students, teachers, and families. The multitude of challenges we are facing as a county were at the forefront in the keynotes, presentations, and conversations throughout the conference. While those topics can be discouraging and overwhelming, being with hundreds of people focused on finding solutions buoyed my spirit and reinvigorated my resolve to keep doing everything I can to make a difference. Each one of us makes a difference in our circle of influence and those ripples becomes waves of change.

Having not attended anything that large in several years, I had forgotten how much energy it takes to be with so many people and have spent this week working on refilling my cup. I hope you all are finding inspiration in your lives, making a difference where you can, and filling your cups as well.

Last night was the full moon in Libra and we are still experiencing its powerful healing energy. I had the pleasure of offering a Reiki treatment this evening and witnessing the transformation the moon’s energy can bring. The Power Path and Forever Conscious have wonderful descriptions of this moon’s impact if you’d like to read more.

Please join me this weekend for our Saturday Morning Yoga practice to pause, listen to your body, and care for it with lovingkindness. Previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga are available on my Youtube channel. I have several family events coming up this spring, so there will be no class April 15, April 29, and May 6.

If you would like a Remote or In Person Reiki treatment to support your healing journey, please Contact me to schedule a time. If you are interested in giving a gift of Reiki or Yoga, please contact me at

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ~ Lisa


Essential rest

