Stay playful

Last weekend we had playful class working our way toward natarajasana, dancer pose. We hadn’t practice the asana together in awhile and it was fun to explore where we were with the pose that particular day. It was a reminder of what I often say, “our bodies are a little bit different each time we do yoga.” Honoring our bodies where they are in each moment can be a difficult practice in a culture where perfect is so often uplifted as the expectation. As we moved through our practice I was reminded of all the small steps that support us in getting where we are going. None of us jump right into where we want to be with any skill. It takes preparation, learning, mistakes, successes, failures, action, rest, growth, recovery, and more. We often forget this, which can lead to unrealistic expectations of ourselves and lots of chatter from our inner critic. I encourage you to stay playful in your practice, offer yourself kindness, and remember that falling can be half the fun of trying something challenging because it provides the opportunity to laugh.

March is a month full of shifting turbulent energies including big cosmic events like Saturn moving into Pisces, Pluto into Aquarius, and the Spring Equinox. You can read more from the experts at Forever Conscious and The Power Path who always have wonderful insights to guide our inner work.

Please join me this weekend for our Saturday Morning Yoga practice to pause, listen to your body, and care for it with lovingkindness. There will be no live class 3/11 or 3/18. Previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga are available on my Youtube channel.

If you would like a Remote or In Person Reiki treatment to support your healing journey, please Contact me to schedule a time. If you are interested in giving a gift of Reiki or Yoga, please contact me at

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️ ~ Lisa




Communal grief