
This week we are faced with yet another incident of mass violence in the midst of multiple anniversaries of the same and the ongoing violence impacting millions of people around the world. It can be overwhelming to process and hold all of this suffering in our hearts and minds. The the practice of equanimity can offer us a supportive path in navigating the difficult emotions that arise from witnessing the suffering of others. Equanimity allows us to hold space for the suffering and pain of others without taking it on as our own; to offer what we are able (compassion, energy, advocacy, action) while letting go of expectations of its results. It allows us to stay present and connected to our own experience and open to being compassionate towards the pain of those both experiencing and perpetrating harm. With practice we can stay open to what arises, release our habitual reactions of grasping or avoiding, and respond thoughtfully from a place of compassion. If you’d like to explore the practice, this recording of Compassion with Equanimity by Chris Germer is a lovely place to begin.

I would love for you to join me virtually for Saturday Morning Yoga this weekend as we take time to listen to our bodies and care for them with lovingkindness. Also, please enjoy a growing variety of meditations I have available on the Insight Timer app that you can access for free. I’d appreciate your offering a rating on the meditations as well.

Next Saturday, February 24, I will be offering a restorative, healing Full Moon Sound Bath focusing on giving and receiving compassion. Please join me in person or virtually. 🩵

As you begin to plan ahead for summer, please keep in mind the Mindfulness for Educators Retreat at Drala Mountain Center, June 17th-20th. I will be co-leading the retreat with Dr. Andra Brill. Registration details will be available soon.

Thank you to those of you who completed the Wellness Opportunities Interest Survey If you haven’t had a chance yet, please take a few minutes to fill it out. Your input is essential assisting me in creating offerings that meet your needs as we move through the year.

Please explore upcoming opportunities below.

  • SAVE THE DATES! Upcoming 2024 Full Moon Sound Baths

    • Virtual and in person options

    • $30 per person

      • February 24 - 3-4 PM MT

      • March 23 - 2-4 PM Spring Equinox Retreat

      • April 13 - 3-4 PM MT

  • Mindfulness for Educators Retreat

    • Drala Mountain Center - in-person

    • June 17-20, 2024

    • Cost and registration coming soon

Please feel free to practice with previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga on my Youtube channel. As a reminder my friend Kate is offering live Monday and Wednesday morning classes from katekelly.yoga.

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️ ~ Lisa


More Equanimity


Imbolc/St. Brigid’s Day