Limiting Beliefs

This week I started back to work as the school year is beginning. I always say that it doesn’t mean summer is over, it just gets moved to the weekend. Then, this afternoon on a whim I decided to head out to the reservoir for a late afternoon paddle and realized summer is still available after the work day. A dear friend of mine has suggested doing this after work for several years, but for some reason I struggled to see it as a real option. As I was out on the water this afternoon, I realized that I was the one setting this limit on myself. I had decided it wouldn’t work for me, so I didn’t try. This made me wonder how else I might be limiting myself. It is so easy to fall into patterns and habits of thought and behavior and create a box in which we live that we don’t question. We can do this with many things in our lives, including our yoga and meditation practices. As you practice over the next week, as well as go through your daily lives, I encourage you to notice when you tell yourself that you can’t, shouldn’t, or don’t…(fill in the blank). Then choose one small thing to push that limit on and see what happens.

I invite you to join me for Saturday Morning Yoga to explore listening to our bodies, questioning our assumptions about ourselves, and gently testing the limits we’ve set for ourselves. Previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga are available on my Youtube channel.

If you would like a Remote or In Person Reiki treatment to support your healing journey, please Contact me to schedule a time.

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️ ~ Lisa


Pause Practice


Leo New Moon