MLK Reflections

Today is a New Moon in Capricorn and is the first new moon of the year. The grounding energy of Capricorn can support us in setting intentions for the future. Taking some time to reflect or meditate on our next steps and write them down is a lovely way to send that manifesting energy into the world.

Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which can be a time to celebrate and reflect on the movement he led as well as how we are carrying his work forward in our lives. Are we calling out injustice? Are we standing up with and for others? Are we being of service? As individuals we don’t have the ability to change the world alone, but we can make changes within ourselves and do the good, the acts of service, that are right in front of us.

I would love for you to join me for Saturday Morning Yoga this weekend as we take time to listen to our bodies and care for them with lovingkindness. Class this weekend will be from 9-10 AM MT (the email will say 10:30 for the ending time) and will work with our intentions through new moon salutations.

Thank you to those of you who completed the Wellness Opportunities Interest Survey If you haven’t had a chance yet, please take a few minutes to fill it out. Your input is essential assisting me in creating offerings that meet your needs as we move into the new year.

Please explore upcoming opportunities below.

  • VEN SEW Event for School Social Workers

    • Virtual Social Emotional Wellness Series

    • 1x/month October - March (next Session 2/7/24 on Cultivating Joy presented by me!)

    • $75 for 6 sessions (recordings available for missed sessions)

    • 5% discount with the link above

  • SAVE THE DATES! Upcoming 2024 Full Moon Sound Baths

    • Virtual and in person options

    • $30 per person

      • January 27 - 3-4 PM MT

      • February 24 - 3-4 PM MT

      • March 23 - 2-4 PM Spring Equinox Retreat

      • April 13 - 3-4 PM MT

Please feel free to practice with previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga on my Youtube channel. As a reminder my friend Kate is offering live Monday and Wednesday morning classes from

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️ ~ Lisa


Winter Rhythms


Reflecting on the year