More on equanimity

I have addressed the topic of equanimity a number of times this year and it continues to be front and center in my life as I navigate the joys and challenges of human existence. Many of us turn to dark humor in difficult times to manage the stress of situations we have no control over. This week I found myself laughing uncontrollably during a conversation that was truly tragic as a way to manage the difficulty. I’d made a horrible pun that made us laugh and found that holding the hilarity of the pun with the pain of the tragedy made it bearable in the moment. So much of life is both difficult and wonderful all at the same time. Learning to embrace all of it and do our best to ride the wild waves along the way is a gift we can give ourselves.

We often experience these highs and lows in the midst of our yoga and mediation practices as well. We may want to hold onto the moments of bliss and ease and discard or devalue those that are difficult, but learning to stay present with the challenges on the mat and cushion and honor all of our experiences as valuable is the essence of our practice.

This Saturday we have the opportunity to explore this concept during both Saturday Morning Yoga and our Full Moon Sound Bath under the waxing energy of the Flower Moon. There is also some interesting energy of the star Algol May 16-18 that you can read about from Forever Conscious. Tanaaz also has a beautiful take on the upcoming Flower Moon in Sagittarius , which reminds us to bring playfulness and adventure into our lives. My friend Michelle Voeller is offering a Full Moon Online Women’s Circle on Thursday, May 23 as another opportunity to work with this full moon’s joyful energy.

There are still a few spaces still available at the Mindfulness for Educators Retreat at Drala Mountain Center, June 17th-20th. Andra and I are really looking forward to the retreat and would love to have you join us as we explore the concepts of intuition and self-compassion through our mindfulness practices. Please share with any educators you know!!

I am also excited to share that my friend Michelle Colarelli will be joining me on June 22 to share Astrology and Reiki during our Summer Solstice Healing Circle. Please join us for a nurturing afternoon as we welcome the energy of the Summer Solstice.

Please explore upcoming opportunities below.

As always feel free to practice with previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga on my Youtube channel. You may also enjoy a growing variety of meditations I have available on the Insight Timer app that you can access for free. I’d appreciate your offering a rating on the meditations as well. Additionally, my friend Kate continues to offer live online classes Monday and Wednesday mornings from

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ~ Lisa ❤️ 


Embrace joy

