
The concept we practice in Mindful Self-Compassion called savoring has been on my mind a lot this week. Savoring the beginnings that spring offers with its budding flowers, unfurling trees, and chirping birds along side the endings of the school year, graduations, careers, and even lives. All provide the opportunity to rest in the moment, hold it gently, then let it go. It is not always an easy practice, but it is most definitely a worthwhile one.

As we go through this next week, I encourage you to choose something each day to pause and savor…the first sip of coffee, the sun dappling through the trees, the scent of lilacs, the sensations of a hug. Remembering also to let whatever you choose go with gratitude for having had the opportunity to experience it. As you do so, notice how this savoring practice impacts how you feel and take in the rest of your day.

There will not be a live yoga class this weekend as we will be celebrating our youngest son’s graduation. As always feel free to practice with previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga on my Youtube channel. You may also enjoy a growing variety of meditations I have available on the Insight Timer app that you can access for free. I’d appreciate your offering a rating on the meditations as well.

I would love for you to join me next weekend, May 18, for both Saturday Morning Yoga and a Full Moon Sound Bath under the waxing energy of the Flower Moon.

There are still a few spaces still available at the Mindfulness for Educators Retreat at Drala Mountain Center, June 17th-20th. Andra and I are really looking forward to the retreat and would love to have you join us. Please share with any educators you know!!

I am also excited to share that my friend Michelle Colarelli will be joining me on June 22 to share Astrology and Reiki during our Summer Solstice Healing Circle. Please join us for a nurturing afternoon as we welcome the energy of the Summer Solstice.

Please explore upcoming opportunities below.

As a reminder my friend Kate is offering live Monday and Wednesday morning classes from

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️ ~ Lisa


More on equanimity


Opening to possibilites