Tuning into nature

Last night’s Full Blue Super Moon was so beautiful and powerful. I hope you were able to spend some time soaking up its energy. I was able to sit outside chanting the moon mantra, Om Chandraya Namaha, with my moonstone mala, which was just the grounding connection I needed after a week of feeling a bit out of sorts.

As I finished the mantra I began to take in all the sounds of the evening. The wind in the tress, cicadas and crickets chirping, cars a few blocks away, and sounds of people across the neighborhood. It struck me that the quiet of the evening is not necessarily quiet when we tune into the world around us, but it is peaceful even so. So often we tune out the natural world in favor of music, radio, video, etc., while missing the show that is happening all around us. Taking it all in I was reminded again how powerful being fully present in the moment can be. How those brief pauses bring us back to ourselves, to our breath and body, allowing us to release the stories in our heads and the worries and distress that often accompany them. It can be so easy to slip out of the practice of being present, whether through our yoga and meditation or some other practice of tuning in. I encourage you, and myself, to recommit to taking a few minutes each day to connect with yourself and the natural world and notice the impact is has on your day.

This Saturday we be doing class in person in my backyard at 8:00am. Please join me to pause, listen to your body, and care for it with lovingkindness. It will give us all the opportunity to tune in to both the natural world and ourselves. Register here .

I hope you will explore the upcoming opportunities over the next few weeks and take time to care for yourself in a supportive community. Reach out with any questions

Previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga are available on my Youtube channel.

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️ ~ Lisa


The present moment


Mercury retrograde, Full blue super moon