Yoga Life Lessons

My summer brain got a bit mixed up on what day it was the last two days, so my apologies for being a day late. On one hand, it’s a good sign of being fully present in summer. On the other hand, it means I may need to pay a little more attention. 😂

My yoga practice this week offered a couple of lessons I thought I’d share. I was playing around with Bird of Paradise balance pose, which I hadn’t done in quite awhile. First, I noticed that I had to have a strong foundation and trust my leg to be able to lift and hold the rest of my body. Next, when I started to lose my balance, I realized that I had to know when to let go of the bind in the pose so that I didn’t injure myself. Then, I had an awareness that those yoga lessons are important both on and off the mat and have been trying to notice where else I might need to apply them in my life. Having a strong foundation, knowing when to hold on and when to let go, and trusting ourselves are essential tools in our practice and in our lives. I encourage you to notice how these lessons might be applicable in your life.

I hope to see you virtually for my Saturday Morning Yoga class 8:30-9:30am MDT. I will not be offering a live class on July 30 as I am taking the day off for my birthday. I will share my August schedule next week. Previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga are available on my Youtube channel.

If you would like a Remote or In Person Reiki treatment to support your healing journey, please Contact me to schedule a time.

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️ ~ Lisa


Leo New Moon


Cooling Breaths