Cooling Breaths

I hope you are finding ways to cool down as we experience the steady heat of summer (thank goodness for our brief respite on Monday ๐Ÿ™). Last Saturday in class we practiced Chandra Bhedana, left nostril breathing, which helps to calm the mind and cool the body. It is a useful breath to remember when you are overheated physically or emotionally. Another yogic cooling breath is Sitali. To practice it curl the tongue up on both sides (like a hot dog bun) and inhale through the mouth, then releasing the tongue - exhale through the nose. If you arenโ€™t able to curl your tongue, extend it slightly and breath in over it through the mouth. You can explore these breaths to find which one feels most accessible and helpful for you.

Many of us may still be feeling the effects of yesterdayโ€™s super full moon in Capricorn. I encourage you to be gentle with yourself if you are feeling big emotions and/or a little out of sorts. Practicing self-compassion is a wonderful resource to support us through difficult times. The Self-Compassion Break from the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion is one of my favorite practices to use in those moments.

I hope to see you virtually for my Saturday Morning Yoga class 8:30-9:30am MDT. Previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga are available on my Youtube channel.

If you would like a Remote or In Person Reiki treatment to support your healing journey, please Contact me to schedule a time.

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. โค๏ธ ~ Lisa

p.s. - thanks to Kristin McKeown of Teaching Balance for this weeks image and very important self-care reminder.


Yoga Life Lessons


Present Moment