
This morning the sunrise painted the sky so beautifully it stopped me in my tracks. As I paused to witness the moment, it was like a balm to my heart. I was reminded of the power a moment of awe and beauty can have at returning us to body, our breath, and the present moment. I invite you to seek out moments of awe in your day and give yourself permission to pause and take them in, then notice how you feel.

I am seeking your input as I begin developing new opportunities over the next year. Please complete this Wellness Opportunities Interest Survey to help me create offerings that meet your needs.

Next Tuesday is the 12th day of the 12th month and is also a New Moon in Sagittarius. Additionally, Mercury goes into retrograde shortly after the new moon. There is a lot of powerful cosmic energy to support our setting intentions for these last few weeks of the year as well as into the future. You can read more about these astrological forces at Forever Conscious and join me on December 9th for a New Moon Sound Bath offering ourselves a time of reflection as we prepare to set our new moon intentions.

I would love for you to join me this weekend for Saturday Morning Yoga as we pause to listen to our bodies and care for them with lovingkindness. As a reminder my friend Kate is offering Monday and Wednesday morning classes from

Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate! As the holiday season begins in earnest, please remember to schedule in time for rest and relaxation. Join me on December 9th for a New Moon Sound Bath and December 30th for an End of Year Restorative Retreat to offer yourself the gift of receiving in the midst of the season of giving.

Please explore upcoming opportunities below.

Please feel free to practice with previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga on my Youtube channel.

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ~ Lisa ❤️


Hibernation prep


Grounding through compassion