Learning to surf

I hope this finds you well. We returned yesterday from our adventures in England and France and while we had an amazing time, we are glad to be home. Traveling is such good practice in being present in the moment and going with the flow. We experienced many bumps in the road as we navigated through our journey and enjoyed ourselves so much more when we focused on what was instead of what wasn’t which reminded me of Jon Kabat-Zinn’s quote, “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” We also went into our trip with very little expectation, which truly allowed us to be present to whatever opportunities arose.

As we move into this weekend’s Full Moon in Capricorn we are invited to savor the fullness of what is in this moment, acknowledging our accomplishments and letting go of anything blocking our growth. I would love for you to join me for Saturday Morning Yoga and/or for a Full Moon Sound Bath in the afternoon as we soak up the energy of this Buck Moon. Read more from The Power Path or Forever Conscious.

Saturday is also International Self-Compassion Day which is both an opportunity to learn and practice self-compassion skills and a way to support the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion. The event is virtual and you can spend the day or drop in for specific offerings.

Beginning next week I will have more appointments available for Reiki and Sound Healing treatments. Feel free to contact me to schedule a healing treatment.

Please explore upcoming opportunities below. Additional offerings will be coming soon!

As always feel free to practice with previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga on my Youtube channel. You may also enjoy a growing variety of meditations I have available on the Insight Timer app that you can access for free. I’d appreciate your offering a rating on the meditations as well. Additionally, my friend Kate continues to offer live online classes Monday and Wednesday mornings from katekelly.yoga.

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ~ Lisa


Leo New Moon


New Moon in Cancer