Leo New Moon

Welcome to August! As we move into this new month I am grateful to have had the time to rest and allow my body to recover from my illness. While I am still not one hundred percent, I am definitely on the mend and feeling a little better each day.

This Sunday is a New Moon in Leo and encourages us to use its playful energy to care for ourselves in creative ways. Tuning into our intuition about what will bring us joy and acting on that is a great way to engage this Leo New Moon energy. Mercury also goes retrograde the day before giving us more encouragement to tune out the external chatter and listen to our inner wisdom. Have patience as we move through this Mercury Retrograde staying curious, allowing for bumps in the road, and tapping into our own power. Read more about this transit from Forever Conscious.

I will be teaching Saturday Morning Yoga live online this week. It will be a very gentle class allowing all of us to tune into our whole selves as we explore what we need.

The next Full Moon Sound Bath will be on August 17th. I am working on a special opportunity for you at the end of the event, so stay tuned for more info!

I am now booking individual Reiki and/or Sound Healing sessions for August. Contact me for scheduling options - lisa@findingthebalancewithin.com.

Please explore upcoming opportunities below. Additional offerings will be coming soon!

As always feel free to practice with previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga on my Youtube channel. You may also enjoy a growing variety of meditations I have available on the Insight Timer app that you can access for free. I’d appreciate your offering a rating on the meditations as well. Additionally, my friend Kate continues to offer live online classes Monday and Wednesday mornings from katekelly.yoga.

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ~ Lisa ♥️


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