Lion’s gate portal

Today is the Lion’s Gate Portal 8/8, which is amplified as our year also adds up to 8. It is a powerful day to set intentions, spark creativity, reconnect with our authentic selves, and recall our spirit energy back to ourselves. To learn more and explore practices to take advantage of this fortuitous energy portal read this from Forever Conscious.

I am excited to share a special collaboration with Aveda Experience Center Cherry Creek at next week’s Full Moon Sound Bath Saturday, August 17. Staff from Aveda will be providing Aveda gift bags for each in person participant and will offer opportunities for free neck and shoulder massages, mini-facials, and hair and scalp checks either after the event or to be scheduled in the future. We look forward to providing you with a relaxing and restorative experience.

I hope you will join me this weekend for Saturday Morning Yoga live online as we pause, listen to our bodies, and care for them with lovingkindness.

In September I will be presenting a workshop on Everyday Mindfulness for caregiver well-being at the Strengthening Colorado Families and Communities Conference in Keystone. I would love for you to join me and/or to share the information with others who might be interested. The conference is very reasonably priced and has many excellent keynotes and breakout sessions.

I am now booking individual Reiki and/or Sound Healing sessions for August. Contact me for scheduling options -

Please explore upcoming opportunities below. Additional offerings will be coming soon!

As always feel free to practice with previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga on my Youtube channel. You may also enjoy a growing variety of meditations I have available on the Insight Timer app that you can access for free. I’d appreciate your offering a rating on the meditations as well. Additionally, my friend Kate continues to offer live online classes Monday and Wednesday mornings from

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ~ Lisa ♥️


Everyday Mindfulness


Leo New Moon