Opening to possibilites

Last night I had honor of attending a retirement dinner to celebrate my 30 years with Aurora Public Schools as a school social worker. As I look back at the beginning of my career I could have never imagined all of the opportunities (and obstacles) I would encounter, nor the relationships, knowledge, and skills I would gain. Along the way there were many times I explored other options due to frustration, burnout, and feeling stuck. Each time I found myself in that position a new possibility opened up creating just enough of change to help me see a new path. Sometimes I was a willing participant in the change and sometimes I went kicking and screaming, but each and every time the changes allowed me to grow personally and professionally.

Holding on when we are stuck often feels like the safest choice because the unknown can feel so scary. Yet, letting go of expectations, routines, and predictability allows us to see new pathways in front of us. The poet quianna perez wrote, “you cannot create a new life if your hands are too busy holding on to old ways of being.”

Each day we wake up to new possibilities if we allow ourselves to see them. Practicing being present in our days provides us the opportunity to take in the beauty, joy, wonder, and opportunities that are right in front of us. I am grateful for the journey my career has taken me on and am excited to see how my path continues to unfold.

Next Tuesday’s Taurus New Moon brings just the energy we need to slow down and ground ourselves after the tumultuous energy of the past several weeks. Explore more new moon insights from Forever Conscious.

Please join me virtually for Saturday Morning Yoga this weekend as we pause, listen to our bodies, and care for them with lovingkindness. You may also enjoy a growing variety of meditations I have available on the Insight Timer app that you can access for free. I’d appreciate your offering a rating on the meditations as well.

May 18 will be our next Full Moon Sound Bath under the waxing energy of the Flower Moon. Treat yourself to a relaxing hour of the nourishing and healing sounds of the crystal singing bowls.

Space is still available for the Mindfulness for Educators Retreat at Drala Mountain Center, June 17th-20th. I will be co-leading the retreat with Dr. Andra Brill. We’d love to have you join us and please share with any educators you know!!

I am also excited to share that my friend Michelle Colarelli will be joining me on June 22 to share Astrology and Reiki during our Summer Solstice Healing Circle. Please join us for a nurturing afternoon as we welcome the energy of the Summer Solstice.

Please explore upcoming opportunities below.

Please feel free to practice with previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga on my Youtube channel. As a reminder my friend Kate is offering live Monday and Wednesday morning classes from

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️ ~ Lisa




Let yourself dream