Reading as rest

As we step into July I am reminded of long summer days as a child, exploring, playing, swimming, and most of all reading. Reading was a wonderful escape that took me on adventures to new places with new perspectives and sparked my imagination. I remember bringing home stacks of books from the library and tallying the number of books I read each summer on a paper taped to my wall…yes, I was that kid, lol!

As an adult I still love reading, but making time to sit down and lose myself in a book can be a challenge with the pressure I often feel to be productive and get things done. I am working on shifting my perspective on reading from a luxury to an essential opportunity to rest and stimulate my mind and spirit. Finding creative and fulfilling ways to rest throughout our days and weeks are essential to decreasing our stress and caring for ourselves.

Please join me this weekend for Saturday Morning Yoga to pause, listen to your body, and care for it with lovingkindness. Previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga are available on my Youtube channel.

My next sound healing event will be a Full Moon Sound Bath on Saturday, July 29th from 3-4pm. Registration is open.

I am still gathering interest for a potential yoga retreat in Costa Rica during the summer of 2024. Thanks to those of you who have completed the questionnaire. If you haven’t yet, here is the link - Yoga Retreat Interest Form. Please feel free to share with anyone else who might be interested.

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️ ~ Lisa


Road blocks


Capricorn full moon, Connect w/your light