Rest from Doing

In my work world we are approaching the final week of the school year and most of us are sliding into the finish line on fumes. It is a pattern that has only intensified in the decades I have worked in education. Over the past five years my colleagues and I have worked to develop resources and programming to support staff wellness in our district with the goal of changing the culture of education into a system that supports everyone in thriving and performing at their best through caring for themselves. The more I speak with people in other professions, I realize it is not just education that needs this change. I believe we truly need to change the culture of work in our entire country.  

A few weeks ago I mentioned the book Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey. Her message continues to resonate with me as I increase my awareness of the ways we have been socialized to ignore our bodies, push through, grind, and cause ourselves actual harm in the name of producing more. We rest in order to be able to work more, instead of resting because that is what our divine human bodies need to thrive. Each of us can take smalls steps to push back against this perspective by making time to rest and encouraging others to do so. Rest does not always have to mean sleep, it can be resting from doing for the sake of producing something or reaching a particular outcome. Tricia reminds us that we are enough now, not just when we produce.

This Friday is a New Moon in Taurus. Lena from The Power Path shares that “this new moon is both energizing and contemplative,” which can create tension. Moving our bodies is a wonderful ways to release tension, reconnect with ourselves, and engage in active rest. Please join me this weekend for Saturday Morning Yoga to pause, listen to your body, and care for it with lovingkindness. Previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga are available on my Youtube channel.

If you are interested in a yoga retreat in Costa Rica during the summer of 2024, I would greatly appreciate it if you would complete this Yoga Retreat Interest Form to help guide my planning. Please feel free to share with anyone else who might be interested. 

If you would like a Remote or In Person Reiki and/or Sound Healing treatment to support your healing journey, please Contact me to schedule a time. If you are interested in giving a gift of Reiki or Yoga, please contact me at

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️

~ Lisa


Summertime wellbeing


Sound bath