Shine your light

It’s Leo season!! This is my favorite time of year because everything is bursting with life, the sun’s energy fills my spirit, and it’s my birthday season, yay!! I know not everyone loves these long, hot summer days, but as a summer baby they are exactly what I need.

If you have been having all the feels recently, it might be connected to the powerful energy of the upcoming Aquarius Super Full Moon and the emotional impacts of Venus in retrograde. While the full moon is August 1, we feel the effects of it seven days before and after its peak. This Saturday’s Full Moon Sound Bath will provide an opportunity to release, soothe, and balance ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. I’d love for you to join me! For more astrological information you can check out the Leo Season forecast at Forever Conscious.

Today I had the privilege of leading two beautiful souls to their Reiki Level 2 certification. It is so fulfilling to share these tools, witness their healing impact, and support others in shining their light in the world. I will be offering more Level 1 & 2 trainings this fall. Let me know if you are interested in training or treatments.

This week I am offering an in person yoga class in my backyard Friday morning along with my Saturday Morning Yoga class online. Message me for the address if you are interested in joining me Friday morning. Previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga are available on my Youtube channel.

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️

~ Lisa


New moon energy


Road blocks