Summer Solstice

Happy Summer Solstice!!☀️ As a summer baby summertime has always been my favorite time of year. I love the time to play, explore, connect, be outdoors, and savor the abundance of the season. I am grateful to have spent this week leading up to the solstice with a wonderful group of educators in the beautiful setting of Drala Mountain Resort. We explored and practiced tuning into our intuition and offering ourselves compassion. Dedicating the time and space to truly care for ourselves is a revolutionary act that can change the quality and often the direction of our lives.

If you would like support in caring for yourself this weekend, there are a few spots left in our Summer Solstice Healing Circle on Saturday, June 22 from 2-4. My friend Michelle Colarelli and I are looking forward to celebrating the Summer Solstice and soaking in the energy of the Full Moon in Capricorn by providing a nurturing afternoon of astrology, movement, Yoga Nidra, and Reiki infused sound healing. Space is limited.

If you aren’t able to join us and would like to learn more about tomorrow’s full moon check out Lena from The Power Path’s Solstice/Full Moon Update or read what Tanazz of Forever Conscious Intuitive Astroloy has to share.

To stay in alignment with the teachings I share with you all about slowing down, listening to our bodies and taking time to rest, I will be taking time to recharge this Saturday morning and will not be hosting a live Saturday Morning Yoga class. I look forward to seeing you next weekend!

Please explore upcoming opportunities below. Additional offerings will be coming soon!

As always feel free to practice with previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga on my Youtube channel. You may also enjoy a growing variety of meditations I have available on the Insight Timer app that you can access for free. I’d appreciate your offering a rating on the meditations as well. Additionally, my friend Kate continues to offer live online classes Monday and Wednesday mornings from

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️ ~ Lisa



