This Good & Crazy Life

We have shifted into Virgo season with its energy of routine and structure and are moving toward a new moon on Saturday. The Power Path is offering a healing ceremony Sunday evening if you are interested.

A friend asked how I was today and I responded “good and crazy.” She shared that she is finally realizing that is the norm and I had a SMH moment 🤦‍♀️. She is exactly right! We are so often trying to calm things down and wait for less this or that, but the essence of life is all that is happening right now and our task is to find ways to ride the waves and glean the gems of wisdom and joy from it. Each of us has our own path and it doesn’t look like anyone else’s, nor should it. This week’s quote, below, shares exactly that sentiment.

I look forward to seeing you this weekend for Saturday Morning Yoga as we celebrate the new moon energy, turning inward and listening to what arises. We will begin with some Yin practice and work with moon salutations as well. Previous recordings of Saturday Morning Classes as well as Evening Chair Yoga are available on my Youtube channel.

If you would like a Remote or In Person Reiki treatment to support your healing journey, please Contact me to schedule a time.

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ❤️ ~ Lisa


Be where your feet are


Grounding Practices