Weekly Newsletter

Reflections and tips for the season, current events, and personal growth, as well as updates on classes and events.

Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

This Good & Crazy Life

We have shifted into Virgo season with its energy of routine and structure and are moving toward a new moon on Saturday. The Power Path is offering a healing ceremony Sunday evening if you are interested.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Grounding Practices

After a chill trip to Iowa to help our youngest son move into his new place, I returned to a chaotic week in the school district. Sometimes when things are upended we revert to old patterns of reacting, rather than pausing, processing, and responding.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Pause Practice

I am sitting outside under the almost full moon as I write this. It is a beautiful Colorado summer night! Tomorrow, August 11, will be the Aquarius Super Full Moon. Lena from The Power Path says this moon has big energy to propel us toward our next steps with gratitude.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Limiting Beliefs

This week I started back to work as the school year is beginning. I always say that it doesn’t mean summer is over, it just gets moved to the weekend.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Leo New Moon

Today is a new moon in Leo, bringing us the energy of abundance, joy, and creativity.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Yoga Life Lessons

My yoga practice this week offered a couple of lessons I thought I’d share. I was playing around with Bird of Paradise balance pose, which I hadn’t done in quite awhile…

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Cooling Breaths

I hope you are finding ways to cool down as we experience the steady heat of summer (thank goodness for our brief respite on Monday 🙏). Last Saturday in class we practiced Chandra Bhedana, left nostril breathing, which helps to calm the mind and cool the body.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Present Moment

It has been a week of many emotions and managing the roller coaster ride has been challenging.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Summer Spontaneity

Happy Summer! I hope you are enjoying the shift of energy and tapping into the joy summer offers with celebrations and playfulness

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Pitta Season & Summer Solstice

I hope this finds you all well and staying cool as the heat ramps up again this weekend. Pitta qualities can be exacerbated by excessive heat causing us to feel irritable and short tempered.

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