Weekly Newsletter

Reflections and tips for the season, current events, and personal growth, as well as updates on classes and events.

Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Stay playful

Hello Yogis -

Last weekend we had playful class working our way toward natarajasana, dancer pose. We hadn’t practice the asana together in awhile and it was fun to explore where we were with the pose that particular day. It was a reminder of what I often say, “our bodies are a little bit different each time we do yoga.”

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Communal grief

Well, this has been a week. My oldest son is a graduate student at Michigan State University. Gratefully, he was not on campus when this week’s mass shooting occurred, but, along with the grief we all feel for the young lives senselessly lost, the hours of fear thinking the assailant could show up in his neighborhood or his house took a toll on all of us. Then, yesterday yet another shooting occurred in El Paso, terrorizing a community that has been impacted far too much in the past few years. I am a naturally optimistic person, yet weeks like this test my resolve. I have been turning to Reiki and lovingkindness practices this week to keep me grounded and hopeful in our shared humanity. We all need to care for ourselves in finding the balance between processing these traumas, caring for ourselves, and taking action to make a difference in the world. Please be gentle with yourself as you again experience this communal grief and find the path of healing and action that feels right for you.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Setting Boundaries

This week has been interesting with the effects of the full moon and some funky planet transits. The theme of setting boundaries has come up in many conversations with friends and colleagues throughout the week. Boundary setting can be challenging for many of us, especially since we were raised in a society that typically doesn’t model or support them. We can set boundaries by saying yes to ourselves and to the things, situations, and people that bring us joy and fill our cups. We can set boundaries by saying no to the things, situations, and people that drain our energy and leave us feeling worse. Asking for help from others is also a way to support the choices we want to make to care for ourselves. Finding the balance between saying yes and saying no can be challenging and that balance may look different day to day. As you practice remember to be gentle with yourself, you’re developing a new skill.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Black History Month, Leo Full Moon

Hello Yogis -

As we celebrate Black History Month, honoring those who have come before us and celebrating their work and lives, it is also important to continue the work of social and racial justice ourselves. One step I am taking is reading The Inner Work of Racial Justice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities Through Mindfulness by Dr. Rhonda Magee. If you are interested in joining me and connecting to discuss it, please let me know.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Hygge & Balancing Vata

I hope you’re able to get out and enjoy a bit of Friday’s warmer weather before we drop into another round of deep freeze. This colder than usual January has provided ample opportunity for slowing down, wintering, and practicing hygge. Hygge is the danish practice of getting cozy and engaging in the quiet pleasures of life either by yourself or with those whose company you enjoy.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Aquarius New Moon

I hope you have shoveled out from this week’s storm and are ready for a bit more snow this weekend. Saturday is a new moon in Aquarius and, along with the end of Mercury in retrograde, should bring new energy and clarity to things that have felt stuck or stagnant. It is an opportunity to set some intentions and plant the seeds of things you want to create or accomplish this year.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Friday the 13th

I hope this finds you well as we move quickly to the middle of January. We have a few more days of Mercury in retrograde when any stuck or sluggish energy should begin moving forward. Tomorrow is Friday the 13, which prior to its patriarchal association with bad luck was considered the Day of the Goddess honoring the Divine Feminine in all of us. So instead of stepping into tomorrow with trepidation, I invite you step into your power and honor the strength of your feminine qualities. You can read more from Forever Conscious.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Full Moon in Cancer

Happy New Year! I hope this first week of 2023 has been a good one. And if it hasn’t, I hope you were able to find ways to care for yourself as you addressed any difficulties.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Preparing for the new year

We have come to the last days of 2022. As we prepare to shift into the new year, it is natural to look back at the past year as well as forward into the next. At the end of the year, the weight of whatever has happened in our last few weeks or months is often the filter through which we view the entire year. This can lead to forgetting the ways we’ve grown and changed, the challenges we’ve overcome, and the joy, wonder, and awe we have experienced. Reviewing our year month by month can support us in acknowledging and validating all we have experienced over the past 365 days.

Please join me for a New Year’s Eve morning practice which will provide us an opportunity to release that which we want to leave in 2022 and create space for what the new year has to offer. I hope you will join me.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Rest in your own light

I hope you are all staying warm on this frigid night. Winter certainly showed up in full force this winter solstice. Whatever holiday you are celebrating this year, may you pause, turn inward, and allow yourself time to rest in your own light.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Winter Solstice

We are just a few days away from the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. The lights of the season always brighten my spirits and particularly remind me of my aunt, whose house was always a sparkling with light and love through the holidays. The season and the darkness can often bring a mix of emotions. Connecting with each other, checking in with ourselves, and focusing on the parts of the season that bring us joy can be helpful in navigating whatever arises.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Flexible thinking

This week’s full moon energy has definitely had an impact around the world these last few days with many things coming to their natural completion. As we near the end of the calendar year, autumn, and the darkest days of the year it seems an appropriate time to let go of things that no longer serve or inspire us.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Slow down & reflect

Happy December 1st! It’s hard to believe we have reached the final month of this calendar year. December is a wonderful time to reflect on where we are, where we’ve been, and where we are going. Following the rhythms of the season, it is also a good time to slow down and rest. As I read the quote below it reminded me that sometimes going against the flow of the holiday season’s frenzy is the best gift we can give ourselves.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Time to be

I hope you enjoyed time to connect and celebrate with friends and family yesterday. While the mythology of Thanksgiving is fraught with many issues, the opportunity to gather with those we love to eat, laugh, and play has always been one of my favorite times of year. I think what I enjoy the most is that the focus of the day is sharing community with each other and the wonderful memories I have of those who are no longer with us.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith


I hope this finds you warm and cozy in today’s snowy and very chilly weather. As we approach Thanksgiving we are often encouraged to focus on gratitude practices. Research demonstrates that gratitude has positive effects on our both our physical and mental health as well as our relationships. Typically, we focus on gratitude for others and for all that we have in our lives. This Thanksgiving, I encourage you to also turn inward and explore what you are grateful for about yourself. What do you appreciate and value about who you are and how you show up in the world? Offering yourself some words of kindness, appreciation, and gratitude can make a huge difference in your overall sense of well-being.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Creating time for healing

I hope this finds you well as we integrate the energy of this week’s full moon and lunar eclipse. It provided a powerful opportunity to release what doesn’t serve us and create space for healing and empowerment. Allow yourself to soak up the energy of this eclipse as it continues to impact us over the next few weeks.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Eclipse aftermath

All I can say about this week’s New Moon Solar Eclipse is WOW! It definitely brought some big shifts as promised. I hope you all are managing any shifts that have come your way and are finding the opportunities within the change.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Balancing doing & being

It has been awhile and I have missed you! We had a great time visiting our sons in Iowa and Michigan; taking in the beautiful fall colors of the midwest, learning new tailgating games, and getting some behind the scenes views of MSU football. We had so much fun running around with the boys we needed a vacation from our adventures, so spent the week in Breckenridge hiking, eating, and sleeping. It was a wonderful opportunity to practice balancing the going and doing with some resting and being.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

What arises is the path

I received this “Heart Advice” from a Pema Chödrön email yesterday and it grabbed my attention immediately. “Whatever happens to you, to me, to anyone, is either the beginning of liberation or the means to attain liberation, or the means to deepen confusion.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Be where your feet are

It is hard to believe it is already September, especially with these 90 degree days continuing. The Power Path referenced the month starting with some “squirrelly” energy and I know I felt that today. I also heard a speaker today reference “being where your feet are” and I thought that was a great description of present moment awareness.

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