Weekly Newsletter

Reflections and tips for the season, current events, and personal growth, as well as updates on classes and events.

Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Liminal Space

This week we continue to reside in the liminal space between eclipses, Mercury going retrograde, and the coming Aries Full Moon Eclipse on Monday. It is an intuitive, reflective time that can allow us to listen to our inner wisdom and open to what the universe has to offer. You can read more about these astrological influences at Forever Conscious and The Power Path.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

More Equanimity

As we process the energy of this week’s new moon and lunar eclipse, we may still be feeling a bit unsettled. Allowing ourselves the opportunity to hold the space rather than needing to understand it all and take action can be challenging. It is a good opportunity to practice equanimity, which I feel has been a theme for me over the past month.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith


This week we are faced with yet another incident of mass violence in the midst of multiple anniversaries of the same and the ongoing violence impacting millions of people around the world. It can be overwhelming to process and hold all of this suffering in our hearts and minds. The the practice of equanimity can offer us a supportive path in navigating the difficult emotions that arise from witnessing the suffering of others. Equanimity allows us to hold space for the suffering and pain of others without taking it on as our own; to offer what we are able (compassion, energy, advocacy, action) while letting go of expectations of its results. It allows us to stay present and connected to our own experience and open to being compassionate towards the pain of those both experiencing and perpetrating harm. With practice we can stay open to what arises, release our habitual reactions of grasping or avoiding, and respond thoughtfully from a place of compassion. If you’d like to explore the practice, this recording of Compassion with Equanimity by Chris Germer is a lovely place to begin.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Imbolc/St. Brigid’s Day

Hello Friends~

February 1-2 is Imbolc and St. Brigid’s Day in the Celtic tradition honoring the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. We’ve reached the point in winter where we can really feel the lengthening of the days and enjoy those extra bits of sunlight in the late afternoon. This growing light reminds me of the Maori saying, “Turn your face toward the sun and the shadows fall behind you.” We can all get mired down in the gloom of winter’s dark, cold days, yet turning toward the light can give us hope. It might be physical light such as the sun or twinkle lights in our homes or it may be the light within ourselves and others that provides illumination allowing us to feel the promise of the coming spring.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Leo Full Moon & Sound Bath

If you’ve been feeling some intense emotions today (or the last few days) it might be related to today’s Leo Full Moon. It is the first full moon of the new year and is full of heart expanding energy. Manifesting our joy and clearing out things that block it are both supported through this Wolf Moon. To read more and explore full moon rituals you can check out Forever Conscious and The Power Path. Saturday’s Full Moon Sound Bath will be a wonderful opportunity to care for yourself, release what is no longer needed, and soak in this powerful energy. Both in-person and virtual options are available.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Winter Rhythms

As we begin the new year we are often encouraged to set new goals and resolutions. However, I have come to understand that winter is a time to nurture and nourish ourselves, listening to the wisdom of our bodies and the whispers of our intuition. Slowing down allows the seeds within us to develop and germinate so they are ready to sprout in the spring. If resolutions are important to you, I encourage you to resolve to follow the rhythms of the season and your body, preparing your heart, mind, and body for the energy you’ll want to burst forth in the spring.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

MLK Reflections

Today is a New Moon in Capricorn and is the first new moon of the year. The grounding energy of Capricorn can support us in setting intentions for the future. Taking some time to reflect or meditate on our next steps and write them down is a lovely way to send that manifesting energy into the world.

Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which can be a time to celebrate and reflect on the movement he led as well as how we are carrying his work forward in our lives. Are we calling out injustice? Are we standing up with and for others? Are we being of service? As individuals we don’t have the ability to change the world alone, but we can make changes within ourselves and do the good, the acts of service, that are right in front of us.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Reflecting on the year

The final week of the year brings many best of and greatest moment lists. Looking back at our own year can be a way to acknowledge both our achievements and the challenges we have weathered. In the midst of our day to day lives it is easy to lose sight of the growth we have made as human beings. The connections we’ve made, opportunities we created and/or took, times we were vulnerable, times we were fierce, times we were loved, times we were lonely. All of these moments make up who we are and how we show up in the world. I encourage you to honor your journey over this past year with gratitude for yourself and all who have traversed this journey with you. While we are all individuals, we need each other because none of us journey alone. As Ram Dass says, “We are all just walking each other home.”

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Winter solstice

Happy Winter Solstice!! Today marks the shortest day of the year, the shift into winter, and also the beginning of each day growing a little longer and lighter. Sometimes winter’s brutal cold prevents us from recognizing this growing light and the hope it can bring. It brings to mind the quote from Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem, “There is always light. If only we are brave enough to see it, if only we are brave enough to be it.” In these challenging times affirming the light in ourselves and in the world is both an act of resistance and one of self-care. As we honor this shift in the season today, take time to reflect on how you can offer yourself opportunities this winter to nourish your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing; to tend to your own inner light. It is essential to also identify the support you need from your community and how together we can support each other’s light as beacons for ourselves and others.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Hibernation prep

Thank you to those of you who completed the Wellness Opportunities Interest Survey If you haven’t had a chance yet, please take a few minutes to fill it out. Your input is essential assisting me in creating offerings that meet your needs as we move into the new year.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith


This morning the sunrise painted the sky so beautifully it stopped me in my tracks. As I paused to witness the moment, it was like a balm to my heart. I was reminded of the power a moment of awe and beauty can have at returning us to body, our breath, and the present moment. I invite you to seek out moments of awe in your day and give yourself permission to pause and take them in, then notice how you feel.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Holding ourselves gently

I hope you have had the opportunity to connect with those you love and care about today. If today has had some difficulty, I hope you are able to offer yourself compassion and hold yourself gently.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Listening to our bodies

It has been an interesting week with many people sharing the effects the energy of Monday’s New Moon and the shifting planets have had in their lives. I ended up with a migraine on Tuesday, which I took as the universe telling me to sit down and rest, so I did. :)

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith


This time change has left me more exhausted than I could have predicted. It has been a good opportunity to practice what I teach through “wintering,” giving myself plenty of extra rest and TLC. I hope you are listening to your bodies and offering them what they need as well. Please join me for Saturday Morning Yoga this weekend as we care for our bodies with lovingkindness.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Heavy heart days

Today my heart has been heavy for many reasons near and far. Days like this remind me of my vulnerability as a human being and how quickly things can change in unexpected ways. It can be hard to allow ourselves to slow down on these heavy heart days as we are conditioned to keep pushing through. I am grateful for the support of my friends, family, and colleagues today who have held me and encouraged me to take the time I need. Building a community of care for ourselves and each other is an essential part of healing and thriving.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Connect with nature

We are having a glorious fall day in Colorado with bluebird skies and color bursting from the trees. In my garden the roses are also giving us a rare October bloom. Taking a moment to connect with nature can bring us into the present moment, decrease stress, and increase feelings of gratitude.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Libra new moon & eclipse

This week finally really feels like fall as the temperatures drop and the leaves begin to turn. I have found myself turning to warm foods and beverages and cozy blankets to soothe the vata energy the dry and windy days are bringing with them. This Saturday brings a New Moon in Libra and a partial solar eclipse. Lena from The Power Path cautions that this may bring some intense and unbalanced energy, but is also a great opportunity for creativity and clearing out what isn’t working. Please join me for Saturday Morning Yoga as we explore this energy and offer ourselves lovingkindness.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith


I hope you were able to tap into the energy of last week’s full moon and clear some space for the changes of the season. Saturday’s retreat was so restful and rejuvenating. We all left with new clarity and inspiration. The next Full Moon Sound Bath will be October 28.

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Lisa Vratny-Smith Lisa Vratny-Smith

Aries full moon

We are in the window of strong Aries Full Moon energy, which can be fiery and headstrong as well as spark our creativity. Tanaaz at Forever Conscious shares that Aries energy can help us “take our ideas from our minds and into physical form.” It can boost our confidence and support our stepping into new opportunities and adventures. It’s important to be aware, however, that this energy can also be triggering if we are feeling disillusioned or unhappy. Lena from The Power Path encourages movement and nurturing our creative sides to weather any irritability that arises.

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